
John mutavi

Full stack web developer

About Me

I am a web developer based in Nairobi. I am passionate about UI/UX, and interactive experiences.

I create intuitive, efficient and clean UI/UX applications using agile methodologies


Github Lookup


Github Lookup

Github lookup is a github username search engine that allows the user to input a github user's username. The search returns a list of all the persons repositories and description of those repositories.

Application Design

The aim was to create a simple github search engine that fun and easy to use.

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The user enter a github username pf the person they wish to search for, they are then presented by a list of all the persons repositories and their description .

Finally, the user can click on a specific repository to get more information on it.

Technologies used: Javascript-HTML & CSS-Node-Moment.js-Github API

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Bubble Blaster


Bubble Blaster

Bubble Blaster is a simple web game where a user has to pop as many bubbles as they can within a limited time period. It utilizes javascript and jquery for creating and animating the bubbles.

Application Design

The aim was to create a fun and easy game to play. After throwing around a bunch of different ideas, the team and I decided to take an illustrative approach. It took us a few rounds of collaborative sketching to finally put together some wireframes that demonstrated our concept.(as shown below)

Since we did not want the landing page to be bare, we thought it would be better to put a carousel showing different sections of the game. This enables the user to get a feel of what to expect from the application.

On the navigation bar, we incorporated an about section and a cool feature that lets the user to change the color of the background.

On clicking the play button, the player is navigated to the playing area.

By clicking the start button, bubbles are generated at random and the player has 30 seconds to pop as many bubbles as he/she can. Everytime a bubble is popped, a score is tallied.

Once the 30 seconds elapse, a modal pops up showing the players score.Closing the modal, takes the player back to the playing area where he/she can choose to start a new game.

Technologies used: HTML-CSS-JQuery-Javasript

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Application Overview

This is a dummy online clothing website built using react for the purpose of teaching students React js

Technologies used: React, Express.js

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Dark Room

A simple node application where a user can upload photos and create their own collage og pictures

Technologies used: Node.js

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Bus Board

Bus Board is an online bus booking system. With its comprehensive list of bus routes and schedules, travellers in Kenya can search, compare and book a bus from the comfort of their homes. The Bus Board team believes traveling is not just a journey or a tour, it is a tale and would like to assist people in sharing their story.

Technologies used: Django

See Live


My Key Skills

Javascript & JQuery

I build both small and large scale applications in Javascript for both desktop and tablets. Combined with an indepth knowledge of UX, I can build user friendly applications from start to finish.


I would not be a complete web developer without HTML and CSS. I use this skill everytime I set out to build any application.


Python is a growing skill which I build on regularly. I have worked on a number of projects using python frameworks such as Django and Flask.

  • CSS


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